Sunday, June 9, 2019

in the interest of fairness ...

it's not all ariel all the time around here, you know!

i mentioned our friend elle on the clean blog, but all she's ever had come to light is that one picture i showed, so here are some nice shots from a while back of our blond-haired, blue-eyed, all-american miss july!

in this picture, elle is all, "hey, there are two zippers on this outfit. why don't you get over here and figure out which would be better to unzip?"

we don't like to be hasty around here, so this picture was msg gathering data to make sure he reached a properly informed decision.

then this picture is elle saying, "who the fuck said we don't like to be hasty around here? unzip something, for cripes sake!"

so ...

"okay," says elle, "that's a start."

"getting better ..."

"what, is it caught on something? are you pausing for dramatic effect?"

"whew. i thought you'd never get there."

"speaking of getting there, why don't you come down here ..."

"or better yet, come down here ..."

"right, put the camera down ... now get your pants off ..."

sorry, readers, but with the camera off, what happened next did not get caught for posterity.

however, a reasonably long (and sometimes loud) while later, elle was like,


and i was like, "nice ... only from this angle i don't think you can see the best part ..."

and elle says, "what's that?"

and i tell her, "it's an exclamation mark with a heart at the bottom!"

and of course, elle was like, "oh, please. claire, you are such a doof."

but it really does look like an exclamation mark with a heart at the bottom, doesn't it?



Saturday, June 8, 2019

you may wonder ...

 what is this seemingly innocent picture of ariel doing on claire’s naughty blog?

she had a dick in her when it was taken.

and ...

this was during their third go of the afternoon.

and ...

he also fucked her twice before work!

it is such a good thing i am not the jealous type!

claire who shares